
The right QHSE & Risk Management software can be invaluable to your business. But how do you determine what the “right” software is? How do you choose the program that will best meet your needs and help your business run smoothly?

Here are two example scenarios that are all to common when deciding on the right software or hardware for business:

Example 1:  David works for “ABC Fabrications”.  ABC currently uses spreadsheets and other MS documents to record their business’ QHSE information.  David is the Quality & Safety Manager for ABC and is tasked with the project of sourcing and implementing a new software package that can better manage the organisation’s QHSE & Risk Management data.

Example 2:  Michelle works for “CD Mining”.  CD currently uses a QHSE software package that they purchased 12 months ago.  The company is constantly having issues with losing data, the staff don’t understand how the system works and the software doesn’t effectively manage closed loop corrective actions.  All of these issues have now caused the company to receive multiple audit non-conformances.  As the QHSE Manager for CD Mining, Michelle has been tasked with finding a better software program to manage their QHSE data.

Both David and Michelle will now have to spend countless hours trying to find the right software package that will suit the business.  Information is critical to selecting the most appropriate system for an organisation.  This puts David and Michelle in a very stressful position.  Their reputation and the company’s reputation is now on the line.

For David and Michelle to succeed in their search for the right software package, they will need to ensure that:

  • The software fits within budgetary constraints
  • The solution is consistent with the company’s business plan/strategy
  • Current hardware and software supports the software package
  • Personnel authorised to use the software are trained and competent
  • He understands the limitations of the software (if any)
  • The software will help the company to comply with their QHSE compliance requirements
  • The software is robust, reliable, and does what it’s expected to do for the company (i.e. The positive outcomes for the company must real).

There are a hundred questions that need to be answered when searching for QHSE & Risk Management software, and there are countless suppliers that deliver such a product.

All information management software providers believe that their product is the best.  They will do everything they can to sell you their product.  This makes it very hard for anyone to make the right solution for their company.  MiSAFE has access to multiple software suppliers.  Each of MiSAFE’s software partners provide very different solutions to meet your company’s requirements.

The first step is for MiSAFE to conduct a needs assessment of your company’s current systems.  With this information MiSAFE then will spend the countless hours to search for the right QHSE & Risk Management software for your organisation.  The proposal we give is un-biased and will provide your company with reliable information to move forward based on what your business needs to move forward.

QHSE & Risk Management software is a big investment.  You need to find the right technology, the right functionality, and the right supplier to ensure your investment delivers the ROI you expect. Do you feel confused, frustrated or overwhelmed? MiSAFE can help!

Don’t let a major decision be your major headache!

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