
Duty holders such as persons conducting a business or undertaking (PCBUs) are responsible for ensuring the safety of staff and any other personnel who may be involved in high-risk work carried out in connection with a construction project. This includes preparing a safe work method statement (SWMS) before the proposed work starts, making sure that the high-risk construction work is performed according to this SWMS, providing a copy to the principal contractor, regularly reviewing and revising it if necessary, and keeping a copy until the job is finished. Everyone involved in these activities must recognize their responsibilities and ensure they adhere to relevant regulations of the WHS to protect all personnel. Remember safety begins with compliance.


What Is a Safe Work Method Statement?

A Safe Work Method Statement (SWMS) outlines the safety steps and procedures required to undertake a specific work activity. It is an important document used by employers and employees to identify and address potential hazards associated with hazardous tasks in the workplace. SWMSs are required when undertaking high-risk activities, such as working at heights or using power tools. In this blog post, we’ll look at when a SWMS is needed, who needs to complete one, and how it can help keep workers safe.


When Is a SWMS Needed?

A SWMS is required for any task that has the potential to cause injury or illness. This includes activities such as working with hazardous materials, operating heavy machinery, or engaging in manual handling. A SWMS should be completed before starting any of these tasks and should be updated regularly as conditions change or new hazards arise. Employers need to understand that a SWMS can only be successfully implemented if it accurately reflects the current situation in the workplace.


Who Needs to Complete a SWMS?

The person responsible for completing a SWMS will depend on the type of activity being conducted. Generally speaking, it is up to the employer to create an initial SWMS outlining the steps necessary for completing a task safely. However, depending on the circumstances, additional parties may need to contribute information or sign off on changes made to the SWMS before its implementation in the workplace. For instance, if working with hazardous materials or dangerous machinery is involved, then additional safety measures may need to be put in place by qualified experts before proceeding with any operation.


How Does a Safe Work Method Statement Help Keep Workers Safe?

A well-written SWMS ensures that all workers are aware of potential risks associated with their work and provides them with clear instructions on how they can mitigate these risks so that they can work safely and efficiently. Furthermore, it encourages employers and employees alike to take responsibility for their safety by guiding how they should act while carrying out certain tasks — something which could significantly reduce incidents of worker injury in many workplaces around Australia.


What Should Be Included in a SWMS?

A comprehensive SWMS will include an identification of the hazards associated with the task at hand as well as an assessment of the risks posed by each hazard. It will also include step-by-step instructions on how to safely complete the work, including all applicable control measures, safety equipment required, and who is responsible for each step. Furthermore, an effective SWMS should include details on emergency procedures and contact information for relevant personnel or services in case of an emergency.


Do I Need a Separate SWMS for Each Activity?

Yes! The nature of construction projects can vary greatly from job to job, so it’s important to have a separate SWMS for each activity in order to ensure that all necessary safety measures are addressed. This way, you can ensure that everyone involved is aware of the specific safety requirements associated with their particular task.


Implementing and Reviewing a SWMS

Once you have identified all the tasks associated with your project and created an appropriate SWMS for each one, it’s important to implement them correctly. This means making sure everyone involved knows about their responsibility within the project and has access to the appropriate resources needed to complete their tasks safely. Furthermore, you should review your SWMS regularly—at least once every three months—to ensure that any changes in circumstances or regulations are taken into account.


Where Should I Keep My SWMS?

In Australia, WHS regulations stipulate that employers must keep their WHS documents such as risk assessments and other records related to health and safety where they are readily accessible by workers who may need them—so make sure you store your documents securely but also easily accessible. Keeping your documents up-to-date is essential; if there have been any changes made since your last review then make sure those changes are reflected in both hard copy and digital versions of your documents.


Providing Information and Instruction for Workers

Providing information and instruction for workers involved in high-risk construction work is a key responsibility of the Principal Contractor or Person Conducting a Business or Undertaking (PCBU). By ensuring that workers understand the potential dangers of their work, as well as the specific risk controls associated with it and how to address any risks arising from deviations from the Safe Work Method Statement (SWMS), PCBUs are protecting their employees from potential harm. Hence, PCBUS need to take proactive steps in providing adequate information and instruction to workers, so they can carry out their duties safely and effectively.


Review of SWMS

When a SWMS has been revised, it is the responsibility of the PCBU to ensure that all those involved with the high-risk construction work are kept informed. Changes must be communicated to workers in order for them to understand their duties and responsibilities with regard to the revision. Furthermore, appropriate instruction and information should be provided to workers which will aid them in their efforts to correctly adhere to the revised SWMS. All persons who need to revise relevant practices or systems should also receive details about the revisions so as to effectively adhere to workplace health and safety standards.


Safe Work Method Statements provide employers and employees alike with an invaluable tool when it comes to protecting themselves from harm while carrying out potentially hazardous tasks in the workplace. They are essential documents that must be created prior to any task involving risk and updated regularly as conditions change or new hazards arise — failure to do so could result in serious injury or death. By understanding when a Safe Work Method Statement is needed, who needs to complete one, and how it can help keep workers safe — you will have taken a significant step towards creating a safer environment for everyone who works there.


Feel free to give us a call at 0400 977 769 or contact us for a free consultation or a bugging question you may have! And remember that safety is a cheap and effective insurance policy.