
Risk Management Consulting Services

Environmental, Health & Safety Consultants Queensland

With legislation and standards on risk management so complex, no company can afford to make a mistake, but if you don’t have the budget or the need for a full time risk management consultant, then risk management consulting firms can be your next best option to keep up to date and in compliance with your legislative requirements.

In addition to providing remote consulting and gap analysis services, MiSAFE also offers in person risk consulting services to assist companies with whatever they need in the risk management area.

We’re certified in Australia and New Zealand as an Occupational Health and Safety consulting company and certified to audit against ASNZS4801 and ISO9001, and we can help with your risk management in a variety of ways:

  • We can assess your current risk assessment system, conduct a gap analysis and then bring your system up to date with the best software for the job, including project managing the installation and ensuring that you have high staff take up of the new system.
  • We’ll review, write and implement new company policies and procedures to your specific requirements, in accordance with ISO4001, ISO9001, OHSAS18001, ASNZS4801, and ISO45001.
  • We can conduct industry specific audits to find the areas that you need to work and hep you maintain standards.
  • We can manage any workplace injuries for you, and help you work with WorkCover where needed.
  • We can take you through the entire process from writing management systems to deploying them out in the field and thoroughly testing them in the office.
  • We can provide consultants on an hourly or contract basis to monitor your workplace.

However you need to employ risk management consulting within your business, MiSAFE can provide a solution for you. Contact us today on 07 5641 2101.

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